The Power of Fewer Hashtags: Maximising Your Social Media Impact

Do you find yourself overwhelmed by the sheer number of hashtags you could use for your social media posts? You're not alone! Many business owners, especially those in the ecommerce space, struggle to find the perfect balance. Recent research shows that using fewer hashtags, specifically 3-5 per post, can actually enhance your social media reach and engagement. That is until the algorithms change again! For now though let's explore why this is might be the case and how you can apply this minimalistic strategy across different platforms to boost brand's awareness.


Recommended Hashtags: 3-5
Strategy: TikTok’s algorithm favours content that quickly gains engagement. By using a balanced mix of brand-specific, niche, and trending hashtags, you can boost your video’s visibility.
Example: #HealthSupplements, #WellnessJourney, #DailyHealthTips, #FitnessGoals, #HealthyLiving

Engage your audience by highlighting the benefits of your products, like how your health supplements or wellness patches fit into their daily routines. Using hashtags such as #DailyHealthTips and #FitnessGoals can help you tap into broader wellness conversations while remaining relevant to your niche.


Recommended Hashtags: 3-5
Strategy: On Instagram, a blend of popular, niche, and branded hashtags placed in the caption or first comment can maximise reach without cluttering the post.
Example: #HealthyLiving, #WellnessProducts, #NaturalSupplements, #FitnessLifestyle, #Wellbeing

Showcase your logistics efficiency and customer satisfaction by featuring smooth delivery processes and happy customer reviews. Hashtags like #WellnessProducts and #NaturalSupplements can attract potential customers who are looking for reliable and quality health products.


Recommended Hashtags: 0-3
Strategy: Facebook’s culture around hashtags is different. Using fewer, highly relevant hashtags helps avoid spammy impressions and maintains professionalism.
Example: #WellnessProducts, #LogisticsSolutions, #CustomerSatisfaction

Focus on your efficient logistics processes by posting updates and success stories about quick delivery times and reliable service. Hashtags like #LogisticsSolutions and #CustomerSatisfaction can help potential clients understand your value proposition.


Recommended Hashtags: 3-5
Strategy: LinkedIn is a professional network, so using industry-specific and branded hashtags is key.
Example: #WellnessIndustry, #SupplyChainManagement, #LogisticsExcellence, #HealthSupplements

Use LinkedIn to share in-depth articles and case studies that highlight your expertise in logistics and supply chain management. Hashtags like #SupplyChainManagement and #LogisticsExcellence can position your brand as a leader in delivering health and wellness products efficiently.


Remember, it's not just about reaching more people; it's about reaching the right people. Simplify your hashtag strategy, focus on what truly matters, and watch your engagement grow. Happy hashtagging!



To support the insights shared in this blog post, we've referenced the following sources:

  • Brand Vision: “Are Hashtags Dead? How To Effectively Use Them on Social Media in 2024.” This article explores the evolving use of hashtags and provides evidence-based strategies for their effective use. Read more on Brand Vision.
  • SocialPilot: “How to Use Hashtags on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter in 2024.” SocialPilot offers a comprehensive guide on optimizing hashtags for different social media platforms, helping you improve engagement and reach. Learn more from SocialPilot.
  • Metricool: “How Many Hashtags to Use on Social Media in 2024.” Metricool's research provides data-driven recommendations on the optimal number of hashtags to use per post for maximum effectiveness. Explore Metricool’s insights.
  • Snappa: “The Ultimate Guide to Using Hashtags in 2024.” Snappa’s guide delves into best practices for hashtag use across various platforms, offering practical tips for enhancing your social media strategy. Check out Snappa’s guide.


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