5 Tips To Combat The Post-Christmas Slump In 2023

Ah January. That time of year where usually everything quietens down but with the cost of living crisis, a number of really troublesome strikes to navigate, and all of the doom and gloom news of 2022, it may feel very much like the slog started long before January. Fear not. The following tips are aimed at helping you and your business get back into the groove and laugh in the face of it all. So here are our 5 best tips to help you shake off the January blues and the ‘meh kinda’ effects of 2022 and get ready to feel excited for the endless possibilities of 2023! So take a deep breath, grab a coffee, safely prop those eyelids open and read on.

1. It’s Time To Recharge

Instead of trying to turbo boost yourself and your business as soon as possible, use January to recharge. If you’re a small business owner, it’s probably safe to say you were working alongside Santa’s elves right up until the big day and if you’re an online store owner no doubt you felt the strain brought about by the countless postal strikes and shipping delays last Q4. So if you can afford to do it then we would highly recommend that you take time off. That sense of urgency should be left for the Christmas period.

The necessity of stopping to recharge will have a number of benefits. First and foremost, give your mind and body a rest. Switch off completely from your business even if it’s for a day or a week. You might be thinking, well I had time at Christmas to stop thinking about it all but if you’ve come into 2023 feeling slightly worse for wear then you may need a couple more days to switch off. 

When we run ourselves on empty it means we have nothing of value to offer and it also means you run the risk of burnout and getting physically sick. No one wants that. Health above wealth.

2. Set Goals

Most people think setting goals means you have to have a plan. You don’t. There is an importance however on setting goals for yourself and your business. It’s great if you are that person who has the discipline to stick to a plan but it’s important to be gentle on yourself if you aren’t as organised. As small business owners all it takes sometimes is something small that completely disrupts your day to day habits. The whole point of being a small business owner is to have an entrepreneurial mindset. This simply means being adaptable. Setting a goal gives you a sense of direction as an individual and also as a business owner but with the previous few years it’s important to remember that we are not always in control so making plans can be too constraining and leave no manoeuvrability if uncontrollable, outside forces come into play. Not to mention when things don't go to plan it can often bring about a sense of disappointment which can snowball into a number of not-so-helpful thoughts and feelings.

Set a goal and try not to focus too much on the exact steps it might take to get there. Oftentimes there’ll be extra steps and if you’re really adaptable and determined, less steps. 

3. Recognise Your Weaknesses

As people and definitely in business it’s always important to be self aware. You may have heard of a SWOT analysis before which is knowing your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. There’s a good chance if you’re a business owner, that you would have done a SWOT analysis when you initially set up. It is also important to do regular check ups and if anything, especially at the beginning of a new year it’s a great opportunity to recognise if any weaknesses were exposed during the previous Q4. 

There were so many unprecedented challenges last Q4 which will have exposed a number of weaknesses in a number of businesses so if you can acknowledge these as soon as possible, you can work on them as soon as possible. Think of it like the beginning of the year MOT for yourself or your business. Address and try to fix the problems now so they don’t cause any major accidents later on.

4. Recognise Your Strengths

As important as it is to recognise your weaknesses, it is crucial to recognise your strengths. All too often we’re not used to recognising our achievements or what we’re good at. With this particular day our attention is pulled by what others are doing or good at. 

Switch off from the world for a moment and be proud of your strengths. Celebrate them and if you can, by all means promote them along with promoting your business. It’s not arrogance to recognise if you are good at problem solving or keeping your cool under pressure. It helps build a level of trust with your customers and client base. If you believe you’re good at something then really believe that.

It’s all about balance. Balance out your weaknesses with your strengths. This is definitely where case studies can help. An outside opinion brings a new perspective.

5. Do Things You Enjoy

Hopefully if you are a business owner, you are doing something you enjoy. If you’re not, perhaps reevaluate and see where you can incorporate more enjoyable elements into your business. It’s important also when we’re not at work to again ‘balance’ (that magic word) ourselves out by taking time out to do something we truly enjoy.

It’s becoming more and more prevalent just how important our mental health is and if we spend the majority of our time doing something we don’t enjoy eventually it will lead to resentment which leads to stress and stress will lead to burnout.

If you find you don’t enjoy much or you’ve lost interest in the things you do know then pick up a new hobby or interest to learn. As a business owner in particular, it is beneficial to always be open to learning new things. Who knows what opportunities will lead off of that and likewise if you aren’t a business owner and just found this article by chance maybe there's something of value to bring into your personal life. Is there a hobby you’ve been wanting to pick up or is there an existing hobby you think might make a good side hustle? Whatever it is, make sure it’s not a chore.

Hopefully these tips help. Feel free to come back and read it again. This isn’t just tied to a new year. Every day we’re presented with new beginnings. All we have to do is look for them.

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