5 Reasons You Should Start An E-Commerce Business

If you’ve been contemplating setting up your own business, hopefully these reasons below will inspire and help you make that decision easier. 


If you’ve never heard of E-Commerce before we have a blog explaining exactly what that is here, “All You Need To Know About E-Commerce”


There is no doubt that E-Commerce is one of the fastest growing industries to get into and even if you have no experience that can easily be rectified by some self teaching from the long list of free resources across the internet.


So let's jump into the 5 reasons why you should set up an E-Commerce business!


1 - You Are The Boss


There is a sense of pride that comes with that expression, “you’re the boss.” When you set up your own business regardless of industry there is a level of pride and confidence to be found on the merit that you created it. More importantly you get to make all of the decisions! Instead of following the beat of someone else’s drum which often happens when we are employed by others, there is a chance to make your own drum and march in whatever direction you wish! 


If you’ve ever worked for someone else, no doubt there have been times when you felt like your opinions weren’t valid or you felt like your work was at the mercy of someone else. You could have found yourself thinking, “if I were in charge I’d do this or that differently.” When you’re the boss you can implement whatever you feel best without having to seek approval from the higher ups. 


2 - Freedom


Cue the iconic line from Braveheart … starting your own business does give you a sense of freedom to pursue something that you’re passionate about. Perhaps you’ve always wanted to start your own clothing line or there’s a product out there that has changed your life and you can see the opportunity it presents to others. The freedom that comes from your own business is that you don’t have to work in a job you might not necessarily enjoy just to pay bills. I think most if not all people crave a sense of fulfilment from their work. 


If you get to a point where you don’t have to put in the hours starting up your own E-Commerce business can definitely free up more of your time to fill with other activities you enjoy.


3 - Feed Your Passion!


A lot of these points will be interchangeable! You have the opportunity to really go after something you're passionate about whether it’s a craft hobby you enjoy or sourcing various products from different manufacturers. Starting an E-Commerce business means you can share your passion with others and if done right means you can also make a profit whilst doing that.


There are some people out there that will turn their nose up at the thought of profit but let's get real … we all need money to live. The key to being happy is to figure out how to make money from what makes you happy!


4 - Opportunity To Connect Globally


The beauty of E-Commerce is how it opens up doors across the globe and connects you with people you may never have had the opportunity to meet whilst grinding in someone else’s machine. Everyday with an E-Commerce business there are amazing opportunities to connect with each other whether that’s online through social media or by travelling to visit manufacturers or suppliers in other countries. 


As people we need people! By setting up your own business, it will bring you a sense of connection to others and I genuinely believe it is through meeting others that we do our most growing as individuals.


5 - Extra Income


Maybe you don’t want to completely give up your day job and you’re looking to top up your income! Setting up an E-Commerce business means everything can be managed online from your suppliers, to fulfilling orders (if using a 3PL), to customer service … you can easily run an E-Commerce business in your free time!


With the rising costs of living an E-Commerce business could be just the thing to help navigate these stressful times! Everyone is feeling the pinch so instead of trying to budget what you already have why not look for ways to add to what you have? 


Wondering where to start?


Look at what makes you happy! Is there something you can make? Have you got an eye for design? It’s always great to start with things you know. Hopefully this has been that sign you’ve been looking for and it’s ignited that inspiration to pursue your own business!

Are you looking for a UK based 3PL to partner with your store? Here at Rapid Pack we offer all of our clients 60 days free storage on signup. We also include the first pick within the shipping price! Wherever you're shipping to we have great and affordable courier partners to choose from too!

So if you're looking to grow your online store in 2024 and need a hand picking, packing and shipping your orders then consider choosing Rapid Pack Fulfilment ... get your free quote > HERE< Just tell us about your business. It only takes a few minutes.


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If you’d like more great tips to help grow your business then check out our other articles or download our business podcast Brand & Boost.


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